Material & Visual Culture

Material and visual culture are important sources in history, art history, classics, media studies and other disciplines. The courses currently taught from this perspective have been grouped together in order to create a multidisciplinary minor, which would be an appropriate course of study for students who want to pursue careers in art history, archaeology, museology or public history.



A minor in Material & Visual Culture requires 24h of courses. No more than 12h can be in a single discipline. Some upper‐level courses have pre‐requisites. All courses offered towards this minor must be completed with a grade of C‐ or better.

Please view the Registrar's Office website for course availability.


Course #

Course Title


ART 1113

Intro: Prehistoric to Giotto


ART 1123

Intro: Giotto to the Present


ART 2073

Contemporary Art


ART 2083

Canadian Art 1


ART 2093

Canadian Art 2


ART 2413

Art of the Nineteenth Century


ART 2423

Art of the Twentieth Century


ART 3513

Women and Art


ART 3713

Directed Readings & Research


CLAS 2013

Greek Art and Architecture


CLAS 2023

Roman Art and Architecture


CLAS 2503

Introduction to Archaeology


CLAS 2553

Archaeology of Egypt


CLAS 3453

Fieldwork in Classical Archaeology


CLAS 3673

Ritual, Mystery and Temple in Roman Religion


HIST 2493

Canadian History on Film


HIST 3143

Canada’s Visual History

Hist 2783 or POI

HIST 3583

Anglo-Saxon England


HIST 3593

The Vikings and their World


HIST 3623

Cold War Canada: At Home in Suburbia

Hist 2783 or POI

HIST 3713

Medieval Europe through Material Culture

Hist 2533

HIST 3733

Museums and Collecting


HIST 4343

Canadian Topics: Public History

See instructor

IDST 2513

Canadian Perspectives 2


PHIL 2103



POLS 3783

Popular Culture and World Politics


SOCI 2533

Popular Culture and the Media


SOCI 3553

Sociology of the Arts & Artists


THEA 2803

Topics in Film


THEA 2813

Advanced Topics in Film



Inquiries regarding the Material & Visual Culture minor may be directed to one of the following faculty members: Laurie Dalton, Sonia Hewitt, or Jennifer MacDonald.