Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity
The 2021 Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity went to Michael Dennis, Professor in the Department of History and Classics. Focused largely on issues of social justice in United States, Michael Dennis’ research accomplishments are extraordinary, so much so, he has earned the nickname “the Machine,” in his department, according to his nomination letter. While he was presented with this same award in 2019, the committee felt that he was truly deserving of the award again, given his continued research, including another monograph, The Full Employment Horizon in Modern America: The Postwar Movement for Economic Democracy, published in 2021, making six books so far, with another book contract in hand. This is in addition to 5 book chapters, 23 scholarly articles, many conference presentations, and 20 book reviews, among other contributions. As his nomination letter so profoundly stated, it is not just his significant output but the content of his research that matters with its relentless focus on racial, economic, and cultural equity, all “expressed through a powerful and persuasive voice, a voice that illuminates the lived experiences of those who were and in many cases continue to be prevented from using theirs.” Michael’s work is truly admirable and makes a real difference. Congratulations Michael!
Award for Excellence in Service
The 2021 Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Service went to Andrew Biro, Professor in the Department of Politics. In the letter nominating him, Andrew Biro is described as a leader within his department. However, he is a leader across multiple areas within Acadia. Andrew served two terms as Head of the Department of Politics; he is currently the Co-coordinator of the Environmental & Sustainability Studies Program (ESST), plays an active role in the Social and Political Thought Program, as well as currently serving as the President of AUFA. His community service at the university extends to all levels: department, Faculty of Arts, Senate, AUFA, and he was also the faculty advisor for The Athenaeum. Andrew has supervised 11 MA students and 27 Honours students as well as being an external examiner for multiple MA and PhD theses. He has an impressive list of service work and is noted as being generous with his time. Andrew is admired and appreciated for his dedication and commitment to Acadia University. Congratulations!
Award for Excellence in Teaching
The 2021 the Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Teaching went to Michelle Damour, Instructor in the Department of English & Theatre. Michelle Damour embodies the door-opening, inspiring, and caring pedagogy so central to Acadia's identity. She excels in and outside of the classroom. Her ability to thrive under a heavy service teaching load makes Michelle Damour’s accomplishments especially impressive. She has inspired non-Arts students to engage across disciplines. To wit, in support of Michelle’s nomination, a biology graduate said: ‘Michelle’s classes have the power to change a person’s life.’ Michelle Damour deserves special commendation – and earned rave student reviews -- for her effective adaptation to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. She sustained unmatched connection to students in trying and unusual times. They appreciated it, and we appreciate her. Congratulations!

Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activity
Dr. Wanda Campbell was awarded the Excellence in Scholarly Activity Award. Dr. Campbell has an extremely impressive publication record with 16 published books, plus a forthcoming book and a recently submitted book. She has published 34 refereed articles/chapters and over 100 short stories and poems. In addition to her outstanding publication record, Dr. Campbell is a highly sought after supervisor, showing that she mentors future scholars and writers. She has supervised over 30 Honours’ theses, often supervising multiple students each year. She truly is an inspiration.
Award in Service Excellence
The Faculty of Arts Award in Service Excellence went to Dr. Patricia Rigg, for her consistently outstanding service contributions to the Department, the Faculty of Arts, Acadia University, and the broader academic community. Thank you, Dr. Rigg, for letting your wisdom quietly shine through the persistent and generous mentorship to your colleagues and students. Congratulations!
Award in Teaching Excellence
The Faculty of Arts Award in Teaching Excellence went to Dr. Rachel Brickner. Dr. Brickner embodies the high-impact, transformative, engaging, and caring pedagogy so central to Acadia's identity. Dr. Brickner excels in all dimensions of teaching. However, her exceptional commitment to students outside of the classroom distinguishes Dr. Brickner from other gifted peers. She has devoted countless hours to mentoring, supporting, and counselling students, above and beyond Acadia's already high expectations for student-focused pedagogy. The fact that eight students nominated Dr. Brickner for this award speaks to her very direct, human impact on our academic community. Students could not ask for a more generous teacher, and we could not ask for a more inspiring colleague. Congratulations!