ACADIA ALERT - Campus Closing Early (Weather)

Today, February 13, 2025 Acadia University campus will be closing at 12:30pm due to forecasted weather conditions. Conditions later in the afternoon are not expected to be favorable for local travel.

Students not living in residence and employees are not expected to remain on campus past 12:30pm. Only employees deemed essential are required to report to campus to work. Residence buildings will be accessible and Wheelock Dining Hall will be operational.

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Acadia University

Department of Safety & Security


(Thursday February 13, 2025 @ 6:00 am)

Canadian Studies

A minor in Canadian Studies requires the completion of 6h from: IDST 2503, IDST 2513, HIST 2773, HIST 2783, as well as the requisite number of credit hours from the list of Canadian Studies courses below. With the exception of IDST courses, no more than 12h can be in a single discipline. All courses offered towards this minor must be completed with a minimum grade of C-.

Please view the Registrar's Office website for course availability.


Course #

Course Title


ART 2083

Canadian Art I


ART 2093

Canadian Art II


ECON 1013

Microeconomic Principles


ECON 1023

Macroeconomic Principles


ECON 2713

Economics of the Natural Environment

ECON-1013 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 2813

Macroeconomic Policy Issues

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 2823

Microeconomic Policy Issues

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3203

Economic History of Canada

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3323

Issues in Cdn. Labour Markets

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3413

Government Taxation and Expenditure in Canada

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3423

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Relations

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3433

Cost-Benefit Analysis

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3513

Economics of Transportation

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3523

Industrial Organization I

ECON-1013 and ECON-1023 with minimum grade C- required

ECON 3713

Environmental Economics


ECON 4813

Natural Resource Economics


ENGL 2563

Canadian Literature 1

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 2573

Canadian Literature 2

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 3503

Poetry of Atlantic Canada

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 3513

Fiction of Atlantic Canada

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 3573

Modern Canadian Poetry

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 3613

The Canadian Novel After 1930

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 3763

Studies in the Canadian Short Story

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 3833

Writing by Women 1 – Finding a Voice


ENGL 3843

Writing by Women 2 – Modern and Contemporary


ENGL 3903

Canadian Children's Literature

ENGL 1406 (1413/1423), minimum grade of C-

ENGL 4253

Studies in Canadian Literature

By permission

FRAN 3323

Littérature migrante au Québec

In French

FRAN 3513

L'Acadie: Une culture unique

In French

FRAN 3523

L'Acadie: Quartre siècles d'expression littéraire

In French

FRAN 3633

Le Québec moderne

In French

FRAN 3643

Panorama de la littérature québécoise

In French

FRAN 4613

Littérature québécoise contemporaine: Les genre brefs

In French

HIST 1913

The African Canadian Experience


HIST 2263

Canadian Women's History


HIST 2343

Maritime Provinces to 1867


HIST 2353

Maritime Provinces Since 1867


HIST 2403

Capital and Labour in Canada


HIST 2463

Youth Culture in Canada Since 1918


HIST 2483

Selected Topics in Canadian-American Relations


HIST 2493

Canadian History on Film


HIST 2553

Educating Canadians


HIST 2503

Slavery and Freedom in the Age of Lincoln


HIST 2603

African Canadian Women’s History


HIST 2733

African Canadians in the Maritimes


HIST 2773

Pre-Confederation Canada


HIST 2783

Canada Since 1867 


HIST 3143

Canada's Visual History

HIST 2783

HIST 3343

History of Federalism in Canada

HIST 2783

HIST 3353

Travel, Leisure and Sin in Canada

HIST 2783

HIST 3363

Nova Scotia Since 1867

HIST 2783

HIST 3373

Peopling of the Maritimes in the 18th Century

HIST 2343 or 2773

HIST 3383

Canadian Environmental History


HIST 3393

Women & Gender in Canadian History

HIST 2773 and 2783

HIST 3533

Canadian Social and Cultural History

HIST 2773 and 2783

HIST 3613

Making Canada: A Nation of Immigrants

HIST 2783

HIST 3623

Cold War Canada: At Home in Suburbia

HIST 2783

HIST 3663

Law and Punishment in Canada before 1900

HIST 2773

HIST 3673

Canadian Working-Class Culture

HIST 2773

HIST 3683

History of Religion in Canada

HIST 2773 or 2783

HIST 4343

Topics: Canadian History

By permission

IDST 1213

The African Canadian Experience: Past & Present


IDST 1223

The Indigenous Experience: Past & Present


IDST 2253

Organized Labour in Canada


IDST 2503 

Perspectives on Canada 1 


IDST 2513 

Perspectives on Canada 2 


IDST 3103

Environmental Law


IDST 3123

Family Law


IDST 3213

Sustainable Nova Scotia


IDST 3613

Health/Wellness: Nova Scotia


POLS 1303

Introduction to Law, Politics and Government I


POLS 2223 Canadian Politics  
POLS 3013 The Politics of Gender  
POLS 3063 Indigenous Law and Governance in Canada  

POLS 3103

The Politics of French Canada


POLS 3213

The Politics of Water


POLS 3303

Multiculturalism in Canada


POLS 3463

Law and Politics in Canada


POLS 3503

Canadian Public Administration


POLS 3543

Community Political Power


POLS 3603

Canadian Provincial Politics


POLS 3703

Issues in Canadian Politics


POLS 3803

Politics and Government of Canadian Municipalities


POLS 3883

The Politics of the Environment


POLS 3903

Canadian Political Parties

POLS 2006

POLS 4103

Canadian Federalism

POLS 2006

POLS 4193

Comparative Federalism


POLS 4203

Approaches to the Study of Politics in the Maritimes

POLS 2006

POLS 4303

Approaches to the Study of Canadian Politics

POLS 2006

POLS 4403

Canadian Constitutional Law

POLS 2006

POLS 4603

First Nations Peoples: Law, Politics and Policy in Canada


POLS 4803

Canadian Public Policy

POLS 2006

SOCI 1013

Introduction to Canadian Society


SOCI 2123

Ethnic and Race Relations: A Canadian Perspective


SOCI 2323

Sociology of Families

6h 1000 level SOCI courses

SOCI 2343

Sociology of Aging

6h 1000 level SOCI courses

SOCI 2413

First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples of Canada


SOCI 2633

Sociology of Health and Health Care

6h 1000 level SOCI courses

SOCI 2713

Sociology of Deviance

6h 1000 level SOCI courses

SOCI 2723

Canadian Criminal Justice

6h 1000 level SOCI courses

SOCI 3143

Social Welfare and Social Policy

6h 1000 level SOCI courses 6h 2000 level SOCI courses or permission of instructor

SOCI 3183

Rape and Sexual Assault in Canada: A Socio-Historical View

12h of SOCI, or 6h of SOCI and 6h of WGST, or permission of the instructor

SOCI 3223

Food as a Social Issue

12h SOCI, or 9h SOCI plus NUTR 2323, or permission of instructor

SOCI 3263

Sociology of Health and Healthcare

h 1000 level SOCI courses 6h 2000 level SOCI courses or permission of instructor

SOCI 3703

Crime and Punishment

6h 1000 level SOCI courses 6h 2000 level SOCI courses or permission of instructor

SOCI 3743

Criminal Law and Social Policy

6h 1000 level SOCI courses 6h 2000 level SOCI courses or permission of instructor

SOCI 4193

Seminar in Family Issues

21h SOCI completed including 6h from SOCI 1006, SOCI 1013, SOCI 1033, WGST-1413; and SOCI 2003, SOCI 2013, SOCI 2033 and SOCI-2103 with grades of C- required

SOCI 4263

Issues in Health, Environment and Poverty: Communities at Risk


WGST 2906 Women and Gender in Today’s World: A cross-Cultural Perspective  
WGST 3023 Feminist Theory  
WGST 4913 Women of the African Diaspora

WGST -1413 and third year standing or permission of the instructor.



Inquiries regarding the Canadian Studies minor may be directed to Stephen Henderson


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